Romanian-born violist Yvonne Creanga enjoys a varied career as a chamber musician, orchestral player, and teacher. She has been a member of the Tucson Symphony since 2000, and has served as Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Arizona School of Music. She has performed at the Festival dei Due Mondi in Italy, the Spoleto Festival in Charleston, South Carolina, the Settimane Musicale Senese, the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival and with Alexander Schneider’s New York String Orchestra. Her ensembles have won prizes at the Coleman Chamber Music Competition, the Accademia Chigiana, the Conservatoire Américain de Fontainebleau, and in Bydgozc, Poland. An accomplished orchestral musician, Yvonne was a member of Rome’s Orchestra Santa Cecilia and has played with the Cincinnati, Colorado, American, New Jersey symphonies as well as the New York City Opera. Ms. Creanga studied at both the University of Michigan and the Yale School of Music. She is proud to include Raphael Hillyer, Riccardo Brengola and The Tokyo String Quartet among her teachers.
Yvonne Creanga

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